ABC to seek assistance from Gov
for Fiesta Fundings
Dumaguete City Mayor Agustin Perdices has suggested the Association of Barangay Captains to suggest to Negros Oriental Governor Emilio Macias II to continue the issuance of P25,000 financial assistance to barangays which will celebrate their fiesta.
Earlier, there were barangay captains who asked if the financial assistance of P50,000 from the city government and the provincial capitol will still be granted to barangays who celebrate their fiestas. Mayor Perdices disclosed that he will still grant the P25, 000 assistance from the local government but it is for Governor Emilio Macias to decide for the provincial government which has before granted P25,000 also.
During the time of Governor George Arnaiz who is now the Congressman of the 2nd district, the province provides P25,000 while the city also provides another P25,000 so that the barangays will not conduct illegal cock fights in preparation for their fiesta celebrations. Before, some barangay captains reasoned out that they get their funds for their fiesta celebrations in illegal cock fights.
The Mayor disclosed that he has a strong confidence that if the members of ABC will only approach and seek help from the governor, then there is no doubt that he will continue the province’ P25, 000 counterpart since the governor strongl opposes illegal gambling.